Child Protection 2 of 4

2. Child Protection 2



The welfare of children is paramount. The club is committed to promoting the health and welfare of all children ensuring that these children are secure, safe, and free from neglect, physical harm, emotional and sexual abuse.

Section one

Aims and Procedures

1.The club endorses and complies with the RFU Child Protection policy and guidelines.

2.It is the responsibility of Newark Rugby Football Club to establish a club child protection policy and to set up procedures within the club, as required by the English Rugby Football Union

3.All coaches and all volunteers (i.e. administration, kitchen staff etc) abide by all of the clubs policies.

4.All coaching staff and volunteers coming into contact with young children are screened through a DBS (old CRB) checking process as prescribed by the RFU.

5.The club will encourage and help coaches stay up-to-date with rugby, coaching and child protection issues.

6.All coaches will be given a copy of the club’s code of conduct for coaches and expected to keep to it at all times.

7.We will keep written record of parental consents, registrations and accidents in line with the Data Protection Act.

8.As a club, we will promote ‘fair play’ and always play within the laws and letter of the continuum.

9.We will provide coaches, parents and guardians with written procedures for dealing with accusations of suspicions of child abuse.

10.Welfare officers have been appointed to deal with any concerns about physical, sexual or emotional abuse
11.Ensure that all officers and committee members are aware of their responsibility in the welfare of young people in rugby and the club will respond to any indication of abuse in line with RFU/W Policy

12. Identify a disciplinary panel which, where necessary, is able to manage cases of poor practice as identified by the RFU Child Protection Officer

Section two

Prohibited Practices

Coaches, managers or volunteers including all professional staff must never:

1.Take young people to their own home or any other place where they will be alone with them

2.Spend any amount of time alone with young people away from others

3.Take young people alone on car journeys, however short

4.If it should arise that such situations are unavoidable they should only take place with full knowledge and consent of someone in charge in the club/governing body and/or a person with parental responsibility for the young person. In exceptional circumstances where coaches, managers or volunteers cannot obtain consent of someone in charge in the club/governing body and/or person with parental responsibility for the young person then if it is in the welfare interest of the young person, number 1 & 2 in section 2 do not have to be followed. If this occurs the adult must record the occurrence with the club/governing body welfare officer

5.Engage in rough, physical games, sexually provocative games or horse play with children/young people

6.Take part as a player in any dynamic contact games or training sessions with young people. If there is a need for an adult to facilitate learning within a coaching session through the use of coaching aids e.g. contact pads, this should be done with the utmost care and with due regard to the safety of the young players

7.Share a room with a young person unless the individual is the parent/guardian of that young person

8.Engage in any form of inappropriate touching

9.Make sexually suggestive remarks to a young person even in fun
10.Use inappropriate language or allow young people to use inappropriate language unchallenged

11.Allow allegations by young persons to go unchallenged, unrecorded, or not acted upon

12.Do things of a personal nature for a young person that they can do for themselves unless you have been requested to do so by the parent/carer (please note that it is recognised that some young people will always need help with such things as lace tying, adjustment of tag belts, fitting head guards and it is also recognised that this does not preclude anyone attending to an injured/ill young person or rendering first aid)

13.Depart the rugby club or agreed rendezvous point until the safe dispersal of all young people is complete

14.Cause an individual to lose self esteem by embarrassing, humiliating or undermining the individual

15.Treat some young people more favourably than others or agree to meet a young person on their own on a one to one basis

Section three

Position of Trust

1.All adults who work with young people are in a position of trust which has been invested in them by the parents, the sport and the young person. This relationship can be described as one in which the adult is in a position of power and influence by virtue of their position. Sexual intercourse or touching by an adult with a child under the age of 16 years is unlawful, even where there is apparent consent from the child. A consensual sexual relationship between an adult in a position of trust within the rugby setting and a child over 16 years of age is contrary to the Policy and Procedures for the Welfare of Young people in the Sport of Rugby Union

2.Adults must not encourage a physical or emotional dependant relationship to develop between the person in a position of trust and the young person in their care

3.All those within the organisation have a duty to raise concerns about the behaviour of coaches, officials, volunteers, administrators and professional staff which may be harmful to the children, young people in their care, without prejudice to their own position
Section four

CRB Disclosure

1.All adults who have ‘regular supervisory contact with young people’ must undertake CRB disclosure within 8 weeks of their appointment to a position which involves regular supervisory contact with young people. These adults will include:

•Professional Staff
•All coaches/assistant coaches
•Head of Mini/Midi Rugby sections
•Head of Youth Rugby Sections
•Team Managers
•All Referees who regularly officiate mini/midi and youth games
•Welfare Officers
•Club Administrators

2. CRB disclosures must be conducted through the RFU Child Protection Department who have jurisdiction to deal with any matter arising from any such disclosure

Section five

Recognising Abuse in Rugby Union

It order to provide young people with the best possible experiences and opportunities in the sport of rugby union, it is imperative that everyone operates within an accepted ethical frame work and demonstrates exemplary behaviour. This not only ensures the game makes a positive contribution to the development of young people, safeguards them and promotes their welfare, but also protects all personnel from allegations of abuse or poor practice.

It is not always easy to differentiate poor practice from abuse. It is not the responsibility of employees or volunteers in the club to determine whether or not abuse has taken place. It is their responsibility to identify poor practice and possible abuse and to act if they have a concern about the welfare of a child or young person and contact the club welfare officers.

The Four Main Types of Abuse

1. Emotional abuse

This occurs when individuals persistently fail to show young people due care with regard to their emotional welfare, when a young person may be constantly shouted at, threatened or taunted, or be subjected to sarcasm and unrealistic pressures. There may also be over-protection, preventing young people from socialising, or bullying to perform to high expectations. The young person may lose self-confidence and may become withdrawn and nervous.

In a rugby situation, emotional abuse may occur when coaches, volunteers or parents:

•provide repeated negative feedback
•repeatedly ignore a young player’s efforts to progress
•repeatedly demand performance levels above the young player’s capability
•over-emphasise the winning ethic

2. Abuse by neglect

This occurs when a young person’s essential needs for food warmth and care both physical and emotional are not met.

In the rugby situation neglect may occur when:

•young players are left alone without proper supervision
•a young player is exposed to unnecessary heat or cold
•a young player is not provided with necessary fluids for re-hydration
•a young player is exposed to unacceptable risk of injury

3. Physical abuse

This occurs when individuals including other young people, deliberate inflict injuries on a child or young person, or knowingly do not prevent such injuries. It includes injuries caused by hitting, shaking, squeezing, biting or using excessive force. It also occurs when young people are given alcohol, or inappropriate drugs, or there is failure to supervise their access to these substances.

In the rugby situation physical abuse may also occur when:

•young players are exposed to exercise/training which disregards the capacity of the player’s immature and growing body
•young players are exposed to over- playing, over-training or fatigue
•any person exposes young players to alcohol and gives them the opportunity to drink alcohol below the legal age or fail to supervise access to alcohol
•young players are provided with or encouraged to take prohibited substances including performance-enhancing drugs

4. Sexual abuse

Girls or boys can be abused by adults (both male and female) or other young people. This may include encouraging or forcing a child or young person to take part in sexual activity or allowing access to pornographic material.

In the rugby situation sexual abuse may occur when:

•an adult uses the content of a training session to touch young people in an inappropriate sexual way
•coaches, managers or volunteers use their position of power and authority to coerce young players into sexual relationships
•coaches or mangers imply better progression of player in return for sexual favours

Section six


Bullying is not always easy to define and will not always be an adult abusing a young person. It is often the case that the bully is a young person. There are three main types of bullying: physical, verbal and emotional.

In a rugby situation bullying may occur when:

•a coach adopts a win-at-all-cost philosophy
•a player intimidates others
•an official is over officious

Section seven

Promoting Good health

All coaches, volunteers, Welfare Officers and other appropriate personnel will ensure good health is promoted by:

•encouraging a healthy diet
•provide necessary fluids for re-hydration
•provide information on dangers of smoking
•discourage drinking of inappropriate liquids
•provide a good role model by NOT smoking anywhere near the playing area or around young players
•ensuring players are not over played